
I just love walking. Walking has given me life-long inspiration as well as physical-mental happiness. Over the past 10 years, I have made a name for my personal pilgrimages that link places special to ourselves with political, historic or anecdotal sites as well as art and creative intentions. My specific interest relates to path mapping and interpretation from a variety of political, social, historic and environmental angles.

My projects range from art and political walking to wellbeing walks for those who might have physical or social barriers.

I am a qualified walking leader with a keen interest to encourage others to walk and see what the surface of our places and the wider world have on offer.

Walk Leader

Claudia is a qualified walking leader. Her key interest lies in sharing her passion of walking and the outdoors with people from all backgrounds and abilities. Through tailor made walks I can help people to get fitter and thereby increase their physical and mental health. I can work/walk one-to-one with individuals or take groups on walks that fit their interests, stamina and ability.

Art + Place Walking

Projects commissions range from place specific interpretations to socio-political actions, working as an individual or with other artists and partners. I also give workshops and talks, arrange conferences and seminars about all things art, place and walking.

Contact me about an idea: claudia.f.zeiske@gmail.com